Blog: Tete city and coal mining
Tete is in the central-west region of Mozambique. Tete city is laid along one of the largest rivers in Africa, Zambezi River (In Portuguese, ‘Zambeze’). ...
Blog: Coal Urbanism – Everyday life in the Mozambican coal frontier
Hello everyone, my name is Hiroyuki Tsuji, a PhD candidate at the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University. My research ...
Green Hydrogen in the Global South Workshop: Opportunities and Challenges
On 12 December 2022, expert scholars and industry representatives from around the world gathered with interested public in Utrecht to discuss the ...
Co-learning workshop – InFRONT and Gas Gospels Projects
The InFRONT team and Gas Gospels project are organizing a co-learning workshop on the contradictions between an increase in the extraction of natural gas ...
InFRONT paper presentation in conference on Green Extractivism & Violent Conflict
Emilinah Namaganda will present a paper on Violence and ‘Green’ Extractivism-induced Socioenvironmental Changes in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique in the upcoming ...
New article published from the InFRONT team
As the importance of natural gas in transitioning to a low-carbon future, in increasing energy security and/or in reducing energy poverty in Mozambique and ...

The inFRONT team co-organised the Mozambique infrastructure workshop
Kei Otsuki, Ruud Bosch, Emilinah Namaganda and Nikkie Wiegink co-organised, with colleagues from Groningen Jana Hoencke and Eric Cezne, a Mozambique ...